Music to my ears

(Link to file on SoundCloud) This is the musical sound of “16 typewriters, 18 calculator machines, 8 accounting machines, 12 office perforators, 10 caisses enregistreuses, 8 humidificateurs-colleurs, 8 tele-scripteurs, 2 metronomes, 4 bells of signalisation, 2 entrance door gongs, 10 claxons, 16 telephones, 40 experimental signal receptors, 1 fork lift, a duplicator and a monte-charge”…

Early American Pencil Sharpener

This is  an early-20th century pencil sharpener from Automatic Pencil Sharpener Co. of Chicago. This design was patented in 1906. The design is made of steel, tin and cast iron and mounted on a wooden base. It has a removable bottom drawer to trap shavings.This was the best-selling pencil sharpener until 1914 when it was…