Fountain Pen Review: Sailor Line Friends Cony (NA Exclusive)

Fountain Pen Review: Sailor Line Friends Cony (NA Exclusive)

I was totally caught by surprise when I saw the new North American exclusive Sailor ProGear Line Friends CONY Fountain Pen ($312). I squealed with delight at how cute it was! I am not familiar with the Line Friends series, but the characters look a lot like Sanrio-esque cute Japanese characters. I grew up as…

Pen Review: Sailor Ink Pen Set of 3

I’ve been watching with interest over the last several years as Sailor has released so many beautiful new inks. However, my ink drawer overfloweth (I have more than enough ink to last me a lifetime!) so I haven’t been purchasing many. Last time I perused Yoseka Stationery I was interested to see that Sailor is…

Pen Review: White Markers from Faber-Castell & Pentel

Pen Review: White Markers from Faber-Castell & Pentel

I am always looking for the best possible opaque white markers and pens for adding highlights, details or accents to my lettering and artwork. So when I saw the Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pen in White ($15.50 for the set of 4) and the Pentel Milky Brush Pen in White ($6.50) I knew I would have…