With my new iPad purchase, I’ve been on the hunt for a perfect iPad cover. I just bought the M-Edge Trip Jacket for iPad. Its a canvas cover with interior leather details and a Moleskine-style elastic closure. Its available in 5 solid colors and about half a dozen graphic patterns. Simple, clean and understated at only $49.99-$54.99.

I’ll follow up with a more detailed review in the future.

Fresh Starts in September

Fresh Starts in September

Hot on the heels of our back-to-school enthusiasm, author Jennifer Weiner talks about how September is the new January and the best time to make a fresh start.

It’s paradoxical, I know. Fall represents the end of things: the summer, and the year drawing to a close. But for anyone who remembers that sensation of optimism and excitement—the smell of freshly sharpened pencils and new shoes, the terror and thrill of walking into a new classroom—September is when things really begin.

Cooler mornings remind me that its just about time for back-to-school. When I was a kid, this was my favorite part because it meant I got to make a trip to the 5-and-Dime for new school supplies like a brand new box of crayons, pencils, composition books and, my absolute favorite, a new pencil box. I loved getting the cigar box-style cardboard boxes and filling them with all my treasures.

As an adult, back-to-school inspires me to register for continuing ed classes, start keeping a journal (again) and make a fresh start with all those long-forgotten resolutions. So, starting this week, I’ll be interspersing our regular posts with some inspiring back-to-school images and items.


Old School (by pamplemoussen)