Spring Break!

The Desk is spending this week cavorting with nature, staring at the crab apple blossoms and skipping through fields of clover (… as soon as the snow stops. Stupid weather!). Hope you are enjoying a little spring break and communing with nature yourself. I’ll be back next Monday with lots of reviews, products and stories.…

Ask The Desk: ID Protection Stamps

Sandy asks: Think this is good idea? I assume the question regards any sort of blotting stamp for security purposes. Folks seem to like these as an alternative to paper shredders as they are smaller, quieter and portable for obscuring personal information on printed material. While shredding makes sense for a lot of papers, sometimes…

DIY Desk from Ikea Parts

Looking to get a customized desk, try Ikea and mix-and-match a tabletop and cabinetry to create an inexpensive work area. House of Hawkes made a lovely workspace with a butcher block-style top and white cabinetry. It’s making me kind of excited about the Ikea store opening in Kansas City this fall. (via House of Hawkes)

Link Love: Official Mascot and more catch-up

First, I’d like you to all admire my new and fully customized Link mascot thanks to my pal and co-worker Adan who, clearly, is a fabulous illustrator. I think I need Link on a t-shirt! Now, on to the links: Paper: Leuchtturm 1917 soft cover notebook review (via Pen Addict) “Stone” Paper (Da Vinci Notebook)…