Field Notes Colors Edition “Arts & Sciences”

I finally got around to opening my Field Notes Color Edition “Arts & Sciences” notebooks. The Arts & Sciences edition really do feel like a Hagrid-sized version of the classic Field Notes. At 4.75″x7.5″ they are substantially bigger than the standard Field Notes’ 3.5″x5.5″ size but not as large as a standard A5 (6×8.25″) notebook.…

Review: Caran D’ache Chromatics INKredible Colors Delicate Green

Someone recently asked me if I had a recommendation for a really good green ink. That’s such a loaded question for me. Are you in search of a jewel-toned kelly green? A green-black? A green ever-so-slightly hinted with blue? Maybe something woodsy? There are just too many variations when it comes to green to pick…