I’ve had a couple stumper questions sent to The Desk that I’ve tried researching but some are outside my field of knowledge so I thought I’d ask you, my dear readers if you could help solve these fine folks’ problems.

Vicki asks:
… i was given a sheaffer lifetime 14k nib pen it has the twist bottom that you fill up by pushing in, my quandry, problem, irks me to death situation is this, I can’t get it to write, if i give it a little flick ink splatters over the paper, but the darn thing will not write, any suggestions?
My first instinct is to ask if the pen has been cleaned and flushed to be sure there isn’t any dried flecks of ink but as I have no first hand experience with the Sheaffer Lifetime pens, maybe one of our readers has better advice? You could also search on Fountain Pen Network or post your question there.
Deborah asks:
I cannot, for the LIFE of me, find a calendar/planner where the weekly pages start on Sunday. I do not know why all calendars/planners have monthly calendars in S-S (which is the way it should be), but then turn the weekly into a M-S. Am I the only one on this planet who likes to match my planning materials? Is my brain set up shifted one day to the right…or is it left? 🙂 I truly have not found any explanation as to why this occurs (other than putting the work week together and the weekEND at the END)….and maybe if I did, I could conform. (NO!) 🙂 Would you happen to know in all of your calendar/planning travels of such an item? My (un)organized life depends on it.
I have spent the past couple of weeks trying to find a solution for Deborah and I’m left truly stumped. I emailed her and recommended that she contact Plannerisms, THE site for all things planner-related in hopes that she might have a recommendation.
The first option I found was from Filofax, which offers a refill for their binder planners that starts the week-on-two-pages layout on Sunday. A 2015 set of refills is $11.03 but you would need to purchase a binder to put the pages into.
Levenger has Circa Weekly Agenda pages that start with Sunday available for 2015 in either Junior (A5-ish) or Letter (not quite A4) size ($29-$34). There are also Since these sheets are pre-punched for the Circa ring system, you would also need to purchase a cover and rings set of some sort. There are lots of options on the Levenger site from simple plastic covers to fancy leather folios. Also, there are a couple other formats available for the Circa system with a Sunday start, do a search on their site for “sunday start” to find them all.
There are some DIY options as well. These require a bit more work on your part as you’ll have to trim them out and either glue them into a book or punch them to fit into a binder or other format. DIY solutions do give lots of options for customizing and adding your own personal touches though.
One option is from Passion Planner with a “start on Sunday” option in A4 and A5 sizes. Passion Planner PDF pages are undated so you can start today by either pasting a spread into an existing notebook or using the sheets in a binder. Passion Planner started as a Kickstarter project and also has some bound books available but they aren’t shipping until January as the first order has already sold out.
Marcy Penner of Hello Forever has made a PDF printable planner ($15) that starts on Sunday and is absolutely lovely. Its available in the yellow and turquoise colors or a simple and clean grey and black version. The PDF pages are designed to fit two planner sizes: 3.75 and 6.75 sized planner binders. There is a lot of options with her system and its customizable with add-ons and various extras. Check out her full detailed post for more information.
If any of you fine folks know of a planner that starts on SUNDAY, please leave a note in the comments. There aren’t too many options out there!
Try http://www.personal-planner.com/US/ where you can choose planners that start on Sunday.
“According to the international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week ending with Sunday as the seventh day of the week. Although this is the international standard, countries such as the United States still have their calendars refer to Sunday as the start of the seven-day week.”
excerpt from:
google search terms “Sunday start calendar history” first result:
Any American/US/Non ISO retailer that focuses their planners to US audiences, or creates options for the US market. Examples: Erin Condren Life Planner, Filofax, Sugar Paper at Target, Day runner (or other office supply brand printed in the US), Franklin Covey, any DIY/print your own on Etsy.
Search the planner community on YouTube and Instagram. Philofaxy’s link roundups are an excellent start.
Midori, Muji and many other companies sell blank grid calendars that allow you to put any day you want anywhere.
The reader didn’t specify format so more specific suggestions are difficult.
Sheaffer lifetime:
this sounds like the vacuum pump model (vac-fil) –the lifetime nib was used on a number of models. If it is the vac fill it works as so [http://www.richardspens.com/?page=ref/anatomy/vacfil.htm] : push down develops vacuum, breaks vacuum and then sucks up ink.
Very nice pens BUT these are at least 65 years old. Seals may well have gone in which case no vacuum, no suck ink. Try dipping the nib in ink to ensure it does write and there is no major problem. If so you then have to decide whether to try DIY fix (a non-trivial task) or lay out $
Two options I can think of : Uncalendar which is undated so you can just use the weekly pages as thiough they start on Sunday
Hobonichi planner – one of the version starts on Sunday and it’s dated http://www.1101.com/store/techo/2015/planner/detail_cover/c_r.html
Also , lots of people on Etsy make custom planners/pages, so starting on Sunday shoul;dn’t be diffcult to request for from one of such sellers
I’ll second the Hobonichi as a good option. I just started using the 2015 one and the paper is luscious.
I went with Erin Condren Life Planner this year. I love it. As others have mentioned, you can customize your pages.
Found your post while searching for a “Sunday start” weekly personal size planner. Thanks for writing this! I’ve done my own calendar for several years (in a blank journal) and am tired of doing it myself. Perhaps one of the above mentioned suggestions will help me find just the right one.