Our good friends at Luxury Brands, the distributors in the US for so many of our favorite stationery brands like Colorverse, Platinum, Noodlers, Benu and many more have kindly sent us some great goodies to help celebrate our 10th anniversary.

We have TWO packages to giveaway. The first pacakge is the Benu Tattoo Fountain Pen in Green with Medium nib and Colorverse Ink Arabella and Anita (the bottles shown in the photo above are from my stash, winner will receive brand new, unopened box).
The Benu Tattoo Pen is carved with tattoo style artwork like stars, roses, skulls, and more. It’s a very unique looking pen and the Colorverse Arabella should be a pretty close match to the green on the pen.
Luxury Brands Giveaway Package #2 is the new Noodlers Triple Tail fountain pen plus two bottles of Noodlers ink (Cactus Fruit and Green Cactus) plus a small bottle of Coloverse Permanent Black and a Nebula Note notebook.
I haven’t gotten to try the Triple Tail yet but Susan just wrote a review over on the Pen Addict.
TO ENTER: Leave a comment below and tell me which package you would like to win… AND WHY. Play along and type in something. It makes reading through entries more interesting for me, okay? One entry per person.
If you have never entered a giveaway or commented on the site before, your comment must be manually approved by our highly-trained staff of monkeys before it will appear on the site. Our monkeys are underpaid and under-caffeinated so don’t stress if your comment does not appear right away. Give the monkeys some time.
FINE PRINT: All entries must be submitted by 10pm CST on Friday, June 5, 2020. All entries must be submitted at wellappointeddesk.com, not Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook, okay? Winner will be announced on Monday. Winner will be selected by random number generator from entries that played by the rules (see above). Please include your actual email address in the comment form so that I can contact you if you win. I will not save email addresses or sell them to anyone — pinky swear. If winner does not respond within 5 days, I will draw a new giveaway winner. Shipping via USPS first class is covered. Additional shipping options or insurance will have to be paid by the winner. We are generous but we’re not made of money. US and APO/AFO only, sorry.
DISCLAIMER: The items included in this review were provided free of charge by Luxury Brands for the purpose of review. Please see the About page for more details.
Really, I’d love either package, since I’ve been eyeing both pens for a while. But since I have to pick, I have to go with package #1. I love the tattoo style art on the Benu pen and I’ve never tried Colorverse inks.
Being deathly afraid of needles, I would choose the Benu pen set. It’s the closest I’d ever get to getting a .
What would make me grin
Is if I would win
the Tattooed pen
To impress Arabella & Anita
The Benu pen is very striking so I would pick that package. The Colorverse inks are great as well.
Oooh, the Benu pen, please!! Despite my total lack of tattoos, I LOVE flash art and this pen totally hits a sweet spot there!
I would LOVE a chance to try out the triple tail! That’s so cool. Happy Anniversary to you!
I’d like to enter for package #2. I like demonstrator pens, plus a notebook called Nebula sounds perfect because of the Space connection.
As much as I love clear demonstrators, I think I’d choose the Benu as it is a very striking pen.
The Noodler’s package would be awesome! I’ve wanted to pick up one of their pens and the two inks are in my two favorite color families!
I’d love the Package #1: Colorverse Ink Set Anita and Arabella and Benu Tattoo Fountain Pen in Green with Medium Nib. I’m a technology librarian and I love to use fountain pens. It gets me odd looks from patrons that I’m teaching technology to. Here I am writing notes on tech with a fountain pen.But on the same note a lot of my older patrons are delighted to see a fountain pen in use. i really love them and the variety of inks.
I would take either package. It would be nice to win something, anything, during these difficult times.
that noodlers triple tail just makes me feel all giddy inside <3
I would love a chance to try out that Benu Tattoo. Such a cool pen! And who doesn’t love Colorverse?
Package 2, please! I love the clear pens to show off the beautiful ink color inside!
The tattoo pen is awesome but my love of Noodler’s would make me lean to #2. But really they are both really sweet packages.
The Benu Tattoo set is amazing — I’d love to have it.
I would love to own the Benu Tattoo set, that pen is very cool.
I prefer the Package #1: Colorverse Ink Set Anita and Arabella and Benu Tattoo Fountain Pen in Green with Medium Nib
I’m a skull fanatic as well as a pen fanatic. Would love this pen to add to my skully collection!
The Benu set. Because I’d love to get a tattoo, but I’m too afraid to do so.
I’ve been a noodlers ink fan for over 15 years and would love to add these inks to my collection.
I’d prefer the Noodler’s set; I don’t hate that Benu pen, but it’s not really my jam, and the Noodler’s nib would be fun to try.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Package #2 please! I’ve been eyeing this triple tail demonstrator. The name calls up images of dragons for me, albeit mostly an invisible one.
Package 1 is my favorite, but either would be lovely! I love the styling of that Benu pen, I have nothing like it! But boy does that flex nib on the noodler’s pen look fun to write with!
I would like to win the Noodler’s Triple Tail please because I’ve been lusting over one since they were released and just haven’t pulled the trigger on one yet. Thanks Ana and congratulations on 10 years!
I’d love a chance to win either package because … more pen play! I’d love to try the triple tail.
I would love to win the second package – I am new to fountain pens and building my ink collection and those inks look beautiful!
I would love the ink because I am an artist who uses fountain pens everyday! I don’t have either of those inks and the flex on the triple tail sound intriguing! My website is http://www.goldenbergdesigns.com , instagram @eileenpg
Both are great – I love flexy pens and colorverse ink – but if I got to pick I’d go for the colorverse set. Such great colours!
I’d really love either package, they’re both unique. The Benu is a gorgeous pen; I don’t have a Benu yet and I’d love to try it, so that’s why I’d like the first package. But I’d like the second package because I know I already enjoy Noodler’s pens and the Triple Tail looks really interesting. And the inks! They’re ALL so pretty!
I’d love to win the second package to practice my handwriting and lettering! I’m still new to lettering techniques and trying to make more fancy letters to send to friends and family.
That green pen is so stunning, with a nice hint of Art Deco! It shouts “look at me!” so naturally I’d choose it first.
Giveaway Package #2 is my choice. I love the way the resin is completely clear and would enjoy seeing the color of ink I was using.
OMG THAT BENU PEN as a significantly tattooed person I have so much love for that pen, and it’s in my favourite colour out of all of them. Also you can NEVER have too many colours of ink. I would be beyond thrilled to win this. Happy birthday to the Well Appointed Desk, what a milestone!
What great giveaways! I’d be thrilled to have either one, but #1 Benu would be great to raise the eyebrows of my other fountain pens!
Happy Birthday!
I would love to win the Colorverse inks which I have always wanted to try. Their bottles are so cute. I have never held a Benu pen so that would be fun. The tattoos would be a first too!
The Benu et al (Giveaway #1) intrigues me. I usually go to fall themed pen color and fall ink but the Benu would make October and Halloween great fun! Hope the trained monkeys pick me!
To be honest, i would opt for the colorverse / triple tail combi. The colorverse is something i did not have the chance to acquire yet. And i really dig the space theme of the ink. And the triple tail would be nice to see if it stinks as much as the Ahab. Further more i would love to hear from fellow FP afficionados. But in the end, i would be delighted to win something for once.
The Benu pen is absolutely gorgeous! Love the tattoo stylings, just don’t have the guts to do the real deal.
I would be happy with either but my favourite is the Noodlers set. I love Benu and the Colorverse ink bottles are so cute. I have been wanting a Noodlers Tripletail but havent been able to purchase one, I love noodlers inks and really need a permenant black ink. Thanks so much for the oppertunity.
I would love to win the second package! I am fairly new to fountain pens and would love to be able to use a flex pen. Thanks for the chance!
I like either, but since I have to pick, I’ll go package number 2. I’ve always wanted to try something like a music nib, and even though I already own the green noodler’s ink, I’m more than happy to use it to penable someone else!
Wow, lovely sets! Please enter me for the two Colorverse inks and Benu tattoo pen. My husband is a sailor with tattoos signifying his journeys around the world. If I win I would like to give him the pen to take out to sea with him for filling logs. I noticed it’s shaped like a telescope, very cool. Something right up his alley. Thank you.
I’d love to win the triple tail and ink. I have several ahabs that I love, have used up a full bottle of cactus fruit ink and do a lot of letter writing do trying the flexier triple tail would be a treat. Thanks so much for offering this giveaway, and keeping us updated on cool pen things
Oooh, that Benu!! Cool pen and I love the Colorverse inks!!
I’d like to win package 2. I’m new at this and don’t have a flex-nib pen yet—this would be a good introduction!
I would be tickled with either, but the Benu pen is like nothing in my collection. Once again, thank you for doing the giveaways.
They are great but package #2 please. I have not tried anything listed so they would all be new to me. I am really intrigued about the tripletail.
#2, I am dying to try the triple tail!
I just love to pieces this website.
Have a great love of fountain pens & blue-black ink.
Well, lets see; Since I do not have, and am too afraid to get a real tattoo – I chose the Benu Tattoo!! It is a very cool pen and I would love to have one in my collection!! Thanks for all you guys do for all of us. It is greatly appreciated!!
I’d like Luxury Brands Giveaway Package #1. That Benu fountain pen design is unique!
I would like to win #1 because I’ve got a half sleeve where just the line art is completed, and given the state of the world, I don’t think I’ll be getting it finished anytime soon. That pen and ink would be perfect for trying to do so myself… which while it would occupy some time, probably wouldn’t end so well, considering I’d have to use my left hand.
I would like to try Noodler’s triple tail and start trying to improve my handwriting. Good luck to everyone!
Two great packages!! My pref would be the Noodlers because that min looks amazing and fun! Either way, thanks for the awesome content.
Both are gorgeous, but the Noodlers edges out the win by a hair since I want to get into flex pens. Not that it would help my deeply mediocre handwriting.
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you great prize package.
I would like to enter for the Benu pen package.
The triple tail is intriguing but that Benu is REALLY cool so, yeah, that one …
Oh, I’d love the Benu set! While I do not have a tattoo, I don’t see why my pen shouldn’t! And, the Arabella ink is pretty rad.
#1. The Benu is beautiful.
Whoa! What awesome giveaways! Now is a great time to be writing – lots of available time and lots to write about!
Even though I’m a sucker for demonstrators, I love that tattoo pen! It looks rad!
I would love to win the Benu! The Tattoo pens are so lovely!
I would love the nebula, probably most because of the ink colors! Both are fantastic!
I would like #1 the Benu pen and Colorverse ink. I have a Benu pen and like it; so the tattoo would be welcome. I would like to to try more Colorverse inks. I only have two. This would be a great addition to my collection. Thank you for the giveaway and congratulations on 10 years.
They’re both stunning, but the first package caught my eye because I have a good friend with a birthday coming up in about a week, and she’s a lifelong Slytherin. That pen is just her style!
I would love to win/own the Benu fountain pen. I just got back into using my fountain pens and they are rather old I would love to use a new pen
Ohhh package #1 is my style and the one I would want to win. I have a few tattoos and the pen would match up with them. That ink is something I would like to try. Plus the box has Skylab on it. Who doesn’t dig space, space stations, and things like that?
Most definitely #1 – I have a number of tattoos, myself, and I would love to add such a beautiful piece to my “collection”! 😉
Hello, I want to participate in the contest to obtain Luxury Brands Giveaway Package # 2, I am interested in learning about this Noodler’s pen with a flexible tip since I do not have any pens from this brand in my small collection. I like its large size of 6.0 inches, its transparent body that allows you to see its interior and the color of ink.
I have not yet bought pens with flexible tips, I like calligraphy and these tips are very suitable for it, because in the videos I have reviewed I observe that the ink flow is sometimes not entirely correct
I send a cordial greeting.
Daniel Garza
The Benu Tattoo Pen package is of particular interest to me. I love the colors and the detailed “carved” design. Quite a showpiece!
Would love to try (package#1) a Benu pen with those very cool colorverse inks. Always wanted to try a Benu pen & I love the idea of tattoos but don’t think I have the courage to actually get a tattoo. I’ll nearly pass out from blood being drawn! So it would be the closest thing to the real deal I’ll probably ever get.
I would like to be entered for package 1 because i would rather live in space right now.
The #2 package looks interesting to me. I really like Noodlers inks and pens and do not own any of these offered in this package. Thanks!
The Benu Tattoo Pen giveaway is the one that I’m the most interested in.
I’ve used fountain pens for most of the professional career and recently retired. being in a corporate world any pens and ink colors always had to be conservative – always dark blues or black. Of course having to use a computer more and more over the years meant less and less use of my fountain pens. 🙁
But now I am starting to write short stories and more and it has rekindled my love of using a fountain pen. I would love to branch out and try something with a unique style and the Benu certainly has that!
Here’s hoping for the win!
Hard to choose. The Benu is different from my other pens and the Colorverse inks that come with look like interesting. I have already sampled the two Noodlers inks but I have never tried Colorverse before.
I would love to win the first package (Benu Tattoo).
I’ve never gotten a tattoo, so this would be my first. Not bad for a first tattoo, eh?
Package #2 looks most interesting to me. Love Noodlers inks and pens. Thanks!
I’d go triple tail. I liked it when I tried it at the LA Pen show.
Oh this is so hard. I love Noodlers pens and inks but that Benu has been speaking to me. It’s crazy but that’s what I love about it! Package #1 all the way!
The Benu pen is gorgeous and I have never seen one like it. It is so different from the rest of my pens, I would feel really cool writing with it! Something about the green with all the tattoo elements, super awesome.
I would really like to go for the Benu Tattoo, but my wife would disown me as anything with a skull or snake is “evil” to her. So I’m in for the Triple tail package.
Definitely #2 package. I’ve played with flex lives at Penn shows I really enjoyed them. The variability of the line really fits my writing style.
Package #1. Love the exotic look of that pen – it’s like nothing else I own. And I’ve been wanting to try some of the Colorverse inks for a while now.
If this is only the second giveaway, I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us!
Well, isn’t that Benu drop dead sexy? And while I would adore it (I have a friend who would absolutely squee over it, and it would be a gift), I have to go with option number 2.
But really….I ain’t picky
While I would be happy with either one, I would certainly prefer the triple tail! I am interested in how different it is than any other pen I own and I also love the demonstrator barrel and noodler inks! Such a wonderful combination.
Thanks a lot for this giveaway, and for the blog.
I opt for the first package (Benu fountain pen and Colorverse inks) because I ordered a Noodler’s Triple Tail (+ a Noodler’s Konrad) two days ago, and also because the Benu pen looks fantastic.
I’d love the first package because I love colorverse inks!
I’d love to try out the “Noodlers Triple Tail fountain pen plus two bottles of Noodlers ink (Cactus Fruit and Green Cactus)” — first because I don’t have a demonstrator pen and that seems fun, second because that three part nib seems pretty cool, third because I’ve never used Noodlers inks and want to try them, and finally because I live in the desert and the Noodlers inks are cactus themed. Thanks!
Both packages are more than generous, but I prefer Package #2. I’ve been contemplating the triple tail pen, but have not seen a review prior to reading the one you linked to. I love the ink – more color! Thanks for wrangling the giveaway!
I would love to get the triple tail package, because I really want ANOTHER flex pen to help me discover I suck at flex writing!
I’d go for number one, as I’ve always wanted to give Colorverse inks a try.
I like dark green fountain pens with Medium nibs, and I want to learn more about the Benu line. So, this pen would be perfect. My ink collection does not have Colorverse well-represented, and I would like to try these out.
The Triple Tail package. With all the gorgeous color inks out there, I love how this pen is clear and you can see the beautiful colors of your ink.
Happy 10 years!!
I would love the opportunity to win the Noodler’s Triple Tail. It’s a classic looking pen with a unique nib that would fit in my case right next to my Ahab and Safety Pen.
I would love to win package 2! As a lefty i’ve always wanted to try a good flex nib, and i’m from AZ so i love anything having to do with cactus!
The Benu Pen seems so decadent and lovely but the Triple Tail set looks so friendly,I can’t choose so please pick for me sweet Ana.
Package 1! I’ve been wanting to try a benu.
I’d love a tattoo pen, given that I’m unlikely to ever have an actual tattoo! Seems like everybody ought to have a protective dragon guarding us these days, or at least guarding the words with write with such a pen.
Package #1 is my choice. That Benu definitely stands out!
Definitely the colorverse inks and the Benu Tattoo pen. I’ve been wanting to try some of the colorverse inks and I’ve recently introduced my husband to fountain pens and he would LOVE that pen
I’d like Benu Fountain Pen & Colorverse Ink – why because it’s a green pen and anything green is my favorite. Also it would be my first forage into the real ink zone. I usually use cartridges for all my pens.
Once agian congrats on Annniversayr
I would love either one! But that Benu looks really cool and I have never tried the brand. Thank you for the giveaway!
Good morning!
I would love to win the Noodlers Triple Tail…. I have a bunch of their Ahab Flex pens and love them. And new to me notebook and inks just makes for icing on the cake. All the best to you guys on your tenth year!
Out of both packages, the design on the Benu pen is just plain incredible. Those skulls and snakes in black and green are eyecatching!
The Noodlers Triple Tail, because you’re including black ink and Black lives matter.
I’d like to win the Benu Tattoo because it’s an awesome shade of green and fits right in with my personal style and tattoos.
I would like to win the 2nd package with the Noodlers Triple Tail. I just read a review on that pen and would love to try that flex nib!
It’s so hard to choose! But I think my favorite is the Benu package, because I like the unique look of the tattoo designs on the pen, and this pen is my favorite color.
Both packages looks great. I think I’d prefer the first one, because I’ve never tried a Benu pen at all, but the second one looks cool too and while I’ve owned a Neponset, I’ve never owned a Tripletail.
I would want to win the Colorverse/Benu set. I love Colorverse’s themes, and the pen is just cool as heck!
I would love to win the Noodlers Triple Tail package. I’ve always wanted to try Noodlers inks, and clear pens are my jam!
I would love to have the Benu/colorverse ink package! Thank you for offering this!
The Noodler pen! Reading Susan’s review did it. I like demonstrators (though the Benu is so so cool) and the wet flex description decided it for me. Thanks!
This is a hard one. Not meaning to sound cliche, but that Benu is pretty cool with some awesome inks (a fan of Colorverse inks), and Susan’s review had me adding the Triple Tail to my wishlist since I’ve been meaning to try a flex nib again. Ok, Giveaway Package #2 it is. The flex nib, plus a notebook (also on my “to try” list) and new to me inks edged out #1. LOL.
Thanks again!
While I love the Benu pen and think it’s super cool, the Noodlers pen is simply gorgeous and my first choice. Thanks for the opportunity and congrats on 10 years.
I’d like the Noodler’s Triple Tail package giveaway. I briefly tested the Triple Tail at the LA Pen Show, but I don’t feel like I had enough time with it. I’m enjoying my FPR Himalaya Ultraflex and I’m curious how the Triple Tail compares.
I would have to go with the first package. I picked up the triple tail at the Colorado pen show last year. While it is a great pen, I don’t need another. I don’t have a Benu and they are a whack-a-doodle design…and I enjoy that. Number 1 all the way!
New to the fountain pen game. And that tattoo pen is amazing. Seems like if I’m going to start using fountain pens, it should be one that looks like a sleeve tattoo.
Wooooow! I would love to try the Noodlers triple tail pen; what a fun nib to bend and flex!!
Oh my! Both are wonderful give-aways! Thanks for the chance! If I had to decide, I like the Noodler’s Triple Tail pen with the awesome inks! How cool is a transparent barrel? Can’t wait to start doodlin’ with the Noodler!
Honestly, while I love those Colorverse inks, I think I’d get more use out of the Noodler’s pen. I would love to use that super wet pen – and I love my Neponset for heavily saturated or sheening inks. It’d be a lot of fun!
I think the Triple Tail would be very cool to win because the nib is interesting and different… But the same is true of the Benu Tattoo pen so I’d rather have that. No, wait! I’d rather have… Augghh! I can’t make up my mind!
Noodler’s Triple Tail Fountain Pen and Ink. Thanks! Watching The Office once last time before it leaves Netflix. A truly great show.
Oh, the Benu is would turn so many heads, both because it’s a stunner and because it’s such a departure from how most people see me.
I would love to win the Luxury Brands Giveaway Package #2 because demonstrator.
Kia Ora,
As they say here. I’m in New Zealand, though originally from the UK and stumbled across your site today on a fruitless hunt for treasury tags to organise the files at my new office volunteer job and thus discovered your post on the subject. I have no idea what people use to hold their paperwork in their folders when they don’t use treasury tags. Those bendy metal things don’t cut it, but do cut into the paper. Paperclips allow for rapid disorganization of the file, especially when dropped. Ah well. And A****z**n treasury tag suppliers won’t deliver to NZ. I had the same problem in Australia and fear I will have to resort to the same solution – ask my mother to put some in an envelope. I say to you folks, give treasury tags a try – you won’t know how you managed without them. Anyway, I hope the story of my morning has entertained you enough for me to win one of your giveaways (I’ll pay the postage :)). I’d love no. 1, currently use a kaweco, which is a whole nother story) but any of them would make my day!
The Benu Pen would be my choice!
Definitely gift set 1! At first the green caught my eye and called to my Poison Ivy heart but then I noticed the skull and realized my Sugar Skull obsession was also addressed! The best of both worlds and what a dazzler for all the care plans I will have to grade next semester!
I would love to win the Triple Tail — I collect flex of all sorts and I don’t have a Noodler’s. I heard this is his best offering so I am absolutely curious about how it feels to draw with.
I had wanted to try out that triple tail, but that tattoo pen is really rad and super green and I love green , so Tattoo it is for me!
I would love the Benu pen. I’ve fallen in love with their craftsmanship, and the pens write so smoothly. The tattoo pen just rocks this really cool vibe!
While I would be genuinely thrilled to win either, my eye is on Benu Tattoo Fountain box. The Color Verse inks are my favorite cent I do not yet own a green pen. Even on my eInk Screen the design of that pen really stands out, color not required!
Probably makes more sense for me to ask for Prize #2 because the Triple Tail intrigues me. I do like me some variation/flair to my writing. Generally I would jump on the BENU but I’m not big on skulls on my things. 🙁
A demonstrator with paper AND green ink?! Sign me up for package #2.
I love demonstrator pens precisely because they show off inks. Also, I have never tried a Triple Tail and would love to see what the nib does with my weird and wonky writing.
I’d have to go with package #2. That would be a good pen to try many inks with.
I’m interested in the Noodlers package. I love demonstrators, the triple tail sounds like fun, and there’s a cactus on our Pacific northwest property that I also used to see everywhere when I lived in desert southwest. I love that range of adaptability. Will the ink match it?
Both these packages come with needles.
Either the tattoo artist will get you… or the cactus!
Difficult to choose. But I think the Noodlers, because if I have a weakness, it’s wicked nibs. And this one looks awesome.
Oh, what to choose? I recently discovered the triple tail and have been asking all kinds of questions because I am curious to try it. BUT, Noodler’s is not a brand I really like overall. So I would love the Benu pen and Colorverse ink. I love Colorverse, but at that cost, I usually select other inks such as Pilot Iroshizuku.
Wow, thank you so much for these giveaways, they truly are unreal!!
I honestly love both packages as I feel they both offer something unique. A person would be absolutely lucky to receive either. However, I must say that the Benu tattoo in package #1 is simply out of this world! I love the detail and would absolutely love to write with it! I could definitely see myself with that pen and a cup of coffee sitting by the pond in the back of my house testing the inks it comes with.
Again, congrats on 10 years!
I have a very extensive Noodler’s Ink collection so I’d like the Noodler’s package (both are generous). I have some 150+ Noodler’s inks but somehow I haven’t purchased these two yet! Thank you!
I would like to win the Noodlers Triple Tail package because I love Noodlers inks and I have been wanting to try a flex nib for a while now.
Big fan of green. The Benu pen in package# 1 would have a great home.
I’ve been wanting to try the Fishtail for some time now. I do like a flex nib and I love the name of it. Lately I’ve been writing my blog posts on paper and posting photos of my writing, so anything that might make chicken-scratch more appealing would be welcome.
Hope everyone is well!
The Benu Tattoo Fountain Pen—just look at that print!
Please enter me for the package.
I love all things flex, and who doesn’t like cactus?
The Luxury Brands Package #1, the Benu Tattoo Fountain was love at first sight. It reminds me of carved lacquer from China. The Colorverse Arabella does look like the perfect color to fill the Benu Tattoo Fountain Pen.
Normally I’m a demonstrator kind of girl… But the carving on that Benu pen is swoon worthy. I would be so excited to add this tattooed pen to my collection. The badassery of this pen speaks to me. The fact that it also comes with a stellar ink to match? Icing on the cake.
I would love Package 2, because I love Noodlers inks, especially nonstandard colors, like the two in the package.
I’d choose package #2 because I love transparent pens so you can see their inner mechanisms — and you never have to worry about suddenly run out of ink on that “sketching outside the house trip” you are taking. Yay!
I looove the look of the Benu pen so I’d like to win that one.
(I like that it has skulls on it…I have a bit of a skull obsession! I liked Hamlet a bunch in high school and the skulls have carried over)
Wow, as my quite small collection of fountain pens are all demonstrators, I’d love to be different this time—I’d love to win the Benu Tattoo Fountain Pen and inks. Totally cool fountain pen that would grab lots of attention!
People warned me about the fountain pen’s rabbit hole, but I happily ignored them 🙂
Would love to descent into the next door’s rabbit hole of the flex pens, so would prefer the Ahab Triple Tail!
Package #2 –
I love the ink colors, but honestly it’s all about the pen! I’ve been want to try a flex nib for such a long time and this would be a great start.
I’d love to try Package #1. I haven’t used any Benu pens before, and I haven’t been able to decide what Colorverse inks to add to my collection yet.
I’d be happy to get either, but if I had to choose, I’d go with the Triple Tail package because, though I find the aesthetics of the Tattoo unique, the thing I love most about fountain pens is a pen that delivers a writing experience with a lot of character, and the nib on the Triple Tail is more interesting to me than the Schmidt nib on the Tattoo.
I’d go for the Noodler’s package. I had a Konrad many years ago, and it would be nice to take a look at the brand’s recent pens.
Also, there are three tines for big, broad lines.
Cool giveaway! I’m interested in the Noodler’s package. I’m a leftie who underwrites, but for many years I avoided flex and music nibs because I was worried about smearing or making a mess of the flex. But I bought a flex nib recently and I find it’s a great experience! I enjoy the nibs. I’m interested in trying out that triple tail nib! BTW, happy 10-year anniversary!!
I’m loving that Noodlers triple tail for the demonstrator body and aswesome nib!
I’d love to with the Colorverse/Benu package because I love green pens and the ink colors are quite nice. Plus, I’ve never tried Colorverse inks before.
This is such a fun giveaway, thank you! I would like to win the Colourverse/Benu package because I love the tattoo-inspired art of the pen, gives it a fun sketch style and also I love the space theme of the Colourverse inks 🙂 Arabella is such a beautiful name as well.
I would love to win package # 2, because I’m having a crush lately on demonstrator pens, and I recently decided to start branching out my nib collection.
Either one would be great, but I do not have a demonstrator, so that one!
I’m going to go for package #2 just because. Typically I’ve had poor experience with Noodler pens, but I know this one is different non-stinky plastic and I’m intrigued with the Triple Tail nib. And, thank you for 10 years of goodness in blogging.
I’d choose the Benu Pen package for it’s vibrant art and coloring. Love the look!
I would LOVE to win package #2 because I love me a demonstrator pen! Not sure what it is … maybe I really love inks more than pens. Wait, no that’s not right …
I’d like to try out a flex nib, so I’ll go #2!
I like package #2, as I’ve heard a lot about the Triple tail but haven’t gotten to try it out yet, same with the Nebula note.
I would like the Benu/Colorverse set largely due to my growing interest in different bottle shapes and designs.
I’d love to win the second package. The triple-tail would be a whole new writing experience, and the clear plastic would be fun to see. The inks seem like a prickly pair (sic)…
#2, because Noodler’s is another ring in the rabbit hole down which I find myself falling.
I’d love to win Package #1 since I don’t own any Benu pens or colorverse inks at the moment.
So I teach and my students think I am adorably nerdy for my pen hobby. The Benu Tattoo would be fun both for coolness factor and because nothing says “I mean business” like a grading pen with a skull on it.
I’d love, really love, to win Package #1. I mean, look at that pen. It is one of the most unique and beautiful I have ever seen. It would be amazing to have it at home and write with it in my journal or University papers.
I’d love the Benu/Colorverse bundle because the color combination is wonderful.
Happy Anniversary!
My choice would be package 2 because Demonstrator. Flex. Music. Nib. 🙂
Both seem lovely, but the Benu is just way too cool. And I really have come to enjoy Colorverse inks and would love to expand my experience with it.
Triple tail! Wanted one so long.
The Benn pen looks very cool so it’s my preference
I would like the first package because green.
I’d like to take that a Benu pen and Arabella ink on a Halloween adventure the October!
The tattoo pen is so wonderful. I love things in my life that feel different and fun and that covers both!
I would be happy with either, but I’m really intrigued by the Triple Tail, so I’ll go with that one. I read a review of it recently and it sounds like it’s less finicky than the neoponset.
Wow. Hard to pick. I think I’d go with the first one because I am really digging that Benu pen.
I would love to win the Benu pen and the colorverse inks, because I would immediately give them to my best friend. That Benu is like their personality in a pen, all the flowers, the snake, the skull and even the color. They also adores Coloverse inks and would be so thrilled!
The Noodler’s Triple Tail pen was what swung my vote – I’d love to learn proper calligraphy script, and having a good pen to experiment with is a requisite.
Definitely the Noodlers package for me because the Triple Tail looks fun!
This is a tough one! I’m interested in trying the Triple Tail nib, but I think I’d have to go with the Benu, because I’m a lawyer and I’d love to bring a pen with skulls and snakes on it to court!
Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. I will love the Noodlers Triple Tail Fountain Pen and the Noodlers inks. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Benu Tattoo!! The perfect pen and color for writing a spooky mystery; not that I’m capable, but I can dream ….
I’d be fine with either of these giveaways but if I had to pick I’d probably go with package two because I’ve never tried any of those inks
I like the Benu tattoo package a bit more because I’ve never seen a pen like it and the colorverse pink is so beautiful. Noodler’s inks are my favorite, though!
Oooh I think I would choose the Benu package because the design of the pen is beautiful. I don’t have any tattoos but I admire those that do because to me they are very hard decisions. I have asked many and they get to a point where they tattoo something just because 🙂
The Benu pen looks fascinating! However, the triple tail is a very fun pen to play with…I’d gladly add another to my collection! Thank you!!
Really, really hard to choose. Almost impossible. Triple Tail sound interesting. On the other hand, I like the color of Arabella and in search for green “summer” ink. We should change ink colors every season to keep the right mood, shouldn’t we? So — flip the coin — set number 1.
Noodler’s triple tail package… my only other experience with a flex nib wasn’t very flexy. Noodler’s inks rock.
I’d love the Triple Tail. I’ve been searching for a pen that could give me the line variation of my flex dip pens.
I would love to win either package. But if I had to choose one, it would be Package 2. I have read amazing reviews and would love to try the Noodlers Triple Tail fountain pen. Best of luck, everyone!
omg that green skull snake pen is 500% my terrible Slytherin trashlord aesthetic. I think pretty much all my pens are in the green to teal-blue color range, but why would I have it any other way??
I’d love the Benu package. Would be fun to have a pen with tattoos to match my own!
Thanks, Ana, for another great opportunity. I would like to win the Triple Tail because I enjoy learning hoe Noodler’s pens work and having experiences a little different for most fountain pens.
I’d like the Noodler’s package. I like his pens and ink.
I’d love to win package #1 – the Benu pens are new to me, but I’d live to try them, and I always love Colorverse inks!
Package #2 for me – I love demonstrators and flex pens, been wanting to try the Triple Tail.
Package #2! I’m new to the fountain pen community and have been interested in trying out some flex nibs.
The Noodler’s set looks awesome! I’ve never tried a flex pen, and the triple tail seems like a really cool start!
The Benu set—the tattoo design is really cool, and I think the Colorverse ink sets are such a neat concept.
Bennnnnnnnnuuuuuuu!!!!! Goodness how I love youuuuuuuu!!!
Package numero unooooooo! Would be the best-o!
I have one Benu pen and I can’t imagine it’s not been tuned by an angel in pen heaven. It’s the best pen I’ve ever bought – unexpectedly writes so unimaginably well. I am melting just thinking of winning this one.
Wow, that Benu is amazing, and substantially different than other pens I’ve seen. I’d love for it to join my stable of greenness!
I love the green of the Benu pen, and the space theme of the Colorverse inks.
Would love the Benu package. I have many festive and funny skull themed items (bag, pins, etc.) and would love to add that pen to the collection.
I would like the Benu pen because the design is so cool and I have never tried any Coloverse inks.
But the Noodlers pen look so cool as well.
I would love to win the first package! I love tattoos but cannot have any because I’m (a) allergic to the ink and (b) my mother’s daughter. :<
I like both of them! I have one Benu pen and it’s really nice, and this one is completely different. The Triple Tail has gotten a lot of attention and I’m curious about it. Winning either one would make me happy!
I’d like to win the Colorverse package because I like the ink colors and that Benu pen is BADASS!!!
I’d enjoy package #2, because I’ve always been interested in acquiring a flex pen, and the two Noodler’s inks look so vibrant and fun from what I’ve seen online!
I’d like the second package because I love the beauty and simplicity of demonstrators.
Package 1 would be so cool because I’ve always wanted to get tattoos but I’ve never decided on a design for myself. I should be able to live my dream thru a pen at least.
I love the look of the Benu Green Tattoo. I just started using/collecting fountain pens and I have 2 very simple ones.
The Benu Tattoo pen is the most Slytherin pen I’ve ever seen, so that package would be my choice. Love your blog! It always brightens my day.
I love tattoos. I love Benu fountain pens (I’m a Russophile). What a combination! If I had that pen and someone asked if I had a tattoo, I could answer, YES. Do you want to see it? And at that precise moment I would whip out, of my pocket, my Benu Tattoo filled with Colorverse Arabella. Never know what a Tattoo can lead to.