I’m so excited to announce THREE new products in our shop this week. Some of these products have been in the works for months, and others were just developed in the last month. All the details are listed below, including a video that goes into excessive detail about each product. Col-o-ring Dividers Let’s start with…
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Link Love: Dark Sky Day
My friends and I had a grand time watching the eclipse on Monday. We met in my pal’s backyard and we ooo-ed and ahhh-ed over the eclipse. In the Kansas City area, we were able to see 89.3% of the full eclipse. It was totally worth it to not drive anywhere, and get to see…
Exploring Creative Journaling: A Class with Tom of Sugar Turtle Studio
One of the things that I was most excited about at the St. Louis Pen Show was taking a class. While I’ve certainly taken advantage of classes to learn more about fountain pens in the past, I really felt like this year’s offerings were expanded in breadth. One of the ones I took the plunge…
Link Love: Life Changes
While recovering from my awful cold last week, I also turned my life upside down. I put in my notice to quit my real jobby-job to do focus on being a pen nerd, freelance designer and general layabout full-time. I will have completed my transition sometime in Mid-April. Being a full-time entrepreneur is something I’ve…
Link Love: The Most Friendly Niche on the Internet
Jesi sent me a link to this video above because I get dizzy on TikTok. For your convenience, I am including the YouTube link if you too are not TikTok savvy either. The point of this video is that when the pen community has controversy, we end up being pretty nice about it. It just…
December is for finishing.
“Start as you mean to go on.” I don’t know about you, but I enjoy starting out the New Year with a fresh slate. This means that in the next month I’m reviewing everything I have going on and trying to figure out how I can finish as much in December as possible. On my…
Link Love: Pencils For The Win
Tina upped the difficulty level with the #21penquestions by creating a new modification for pencil lovers, #12pencilquestions. I recognize that the gauntlet has been thrown and I will now need to answer her questions! The game is afoot! Posts of the Week: 21+5 Questions Answered to Celebrate 8 Years of Writing At Large (via Writing…