Have I ever told you’all how much I love getting questions about pens, paper and the like? This week, I have two awesome questions. Beth, the reference librarian asked: I have a new TWSBI 580 with a custom ground nib (pen was purchased with that nib) and at the same time I purchased a second…
Showing all posts tagged esterbrook
Esterbrook 9314F: Fine Stub
Do you ever come across a pen or a nib you think “this is my signature pen?” The one that makes your handwriting look better without doing anything but using it? That’s how I feel about the Esterbrook 9314F Relief Fine Stub. Its from the “higher end” line of nibs from Esterbrook, the Master series…
Happy Ester(brook) Sunday!
Spring is the perfect time to pull out the Esterbrooks, dust them off and see which ones need a little spring cleaning. This is my whole Esterbrook collection and I can see a gaping absence of a brown or rootbeer model as well as a need for several more pastel pocket pens to fill out…
Link Love: Puns and Paper
Paper: World War 2 Diaries Found in Attic (via Notebook Stories) Pocket Notebooks: What does Fountain Pen Friendly really mean? (via Ed Jelley) Paperblanks Journals (via Inkophile) Moleskine Cahier Pocket Notebook (vi Ink of Me Fondly) Pens and Ink: Esterbrook #1461 Rigid Fine (via Fountain Pen Quest) Kaweco Carribean Turquoise Ink (via The Pencil Case…
Esterbrook Pastel Pink Purse Pen
If I wasn’t such a fan of the vintage Esterbook pens, I don’t think I ever would have imagined myself as someone who would buy a pink fountain pen. But… I have a secret desire to own an Esterbrook in every color they were ever sold in (maybe not every variation… that would get complicated).…
Ask The Desk: Buying a Vintage Esterbrook
My pal Carolee recently emailed me a question and was kind enough to let me post the question and response here. …do you have any good sources for a vintage esterbrook? I recently got a Parker Vac and I’m starting to fall in love with vintage pens. I don’t know how much to pay for…

Rare and unusual species of Esterbrooks spotted in the wild
All you vintage Esterbrook fountain pen fans might want to take a close look at this collection. See anything unusual? These pens all belong to my friend Rob L. He has been squirreling away vintage fountain pens for as long as I’ve known him. This week, he brought his rare and unusual Esterbrooks to share…