Pelikan Ink of the Year
Finally unveiled! The Pelikan Edelstein 2018 Ink of the Year is Olivine. The Pelikan’s Perch has a survey about what color trim people are hoping will be on the accompanying M20X pen that will be released to match.
Membership has its Privileges
If you are not a member of the Karas Pen Club yet, hop to it. The Club is accessible by purchasing the Karas Pen Club Coin. It gets you access the new releases before everyone else like the special Decograph pens which are limited. There are other perks too and you can find out all about it on their site but let’s just say there’s a new Decograph coming you might want to know about…
And speaking of Club Coins, The Pen Addict just announced a new MemberChip Club Coin. Details will be unveiled soon.
Vanness Meet-Up
If you live in the Dallas area, Lisa Vanness will be meeting up with other “pen pals” Kay’s on North Stemmons Freeway, Sunday evening January 21 at 6:30 pm.
Upcoming Pen Show News
Just weeks away is the LA Pen Show! This year will be my first trip to the LA Show which I’ve heard from many is a mixed blessing. Apparently the hotel has had some renovation done which may or may not be completed by the time we get there. Those of you who were at the SF Pen Show in 2017 may remember the trailer parked out front and the somewhat iffy restaurant service as a result of the renovations that occurred there so, I am prepared for dodgy hotel service. I’m packing granola bars. But I’m looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing familiar faces as well. I am not scheduled to help out (yet) but that can always change at a moment’s notice. So, if you see me wandering around the show floor, please come and say hello. This will also be Laura’s first pen show and she is very excited to meet people she’s chatted with online so do come and say hello.
The Baltimore Pen Show is just around the corner and many of our sponsors and friends will be in attendance. Brad and NockCo will be in attendance. Anderson Pens and Vanness Pens will both be there with inks galore. I, unfortunately, will not be able to attend. So take lots of photos and tag them on Instagram so I can live vicariously.
New Aurora Pens

Aurora continues to roll out its array of colors in the limited edition 88 line. The newest edition is the red edition, the Marte, named after the red planet Mars. The Aurora 88 Marte (€ 720/ € 595,04 Outside EU) follows last year’s golden yellow Sole and midnight Nebulosa. All three have been made from auroloid and have rose gold finish and 18c rose gold nib. The Marte is also limited to 888 pieces.
Aurora has also introduced new colors in its Optima Flex line. Each is limited to just 300 pieces and the new Optima Flex Violet (€550 /€ 454,55 Outside EU) is calling my name. There is also a Blue, Green, Light Blue, Grey, Red, and Yellow. All of these are limited to just 300 and no poop Brown this time. Which color is your favorite and are you inclined to try an Aurora Flex nib this year?
I’ll be at the Vanness Dallas meet-up. Hope lots of others will come.
Oh, this time Aurora does stick to a wide range of colors.The Gary Optima is certainly my favorite!
I did a double take at “Gary Optima”. Is that a cool new band? Then I realized it was probably just spell check being cheeky. I realized you probably meant “gray” which is actually quite lovely.