Resolutions Jesi

Of the four ladies who write for The Well-Appointed Desk, I am the last to share my New Year’s resolutions.  Because of this, I was able to read through those of Tina, Laura, and Ana (secretly hoping that their resolutions would inspire me to figure out what I’m going to do!).  I loved each of their ideas.  However, I felt overwhelmed thinking about adding resolutions on top of what I already have going on in my life!  How on earth could I add more?

So I sat down to write out my thoughts on this.  Of course, I would love to lose weight, get in shape, eat better and have a perfectly organized house! But with a chaotic household with four kids, two cats, and a dog, the house is usually in disarray, I have no time for working out and I end up eating leftovers for most meals.  So those resolutions are more or less broken before I can even write them down.

What I want for the new year is to be calmer, happier, more focused, and less distracted by the stuff that doesn’t matter.  Usually, I go about this by trying to get rid of the unimportant stuff in my life so I can make room for the things that are important. But when I’m not looking, that open space fills right back up with more junk.

I started to wonder if maybe I should focus on the things in my life that are important first, then trim away the things that are distracting me from what I actually want. Maybe the space that is made in this fashion will be filled with what I am focusing on instead of junk. If it doesn’t fall under one of my big three categories, I can push it to the back of the To Do list.

For my new year, I want to focus on Family & Friends, Work, and The Fun Stuff

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