Journaling: A Q2 Check-in

I feel like Ana and I are sort of running on the same wavelength. Each month she prepares for a new month by pulling out her best supplies, and making small changes based on what worked the previous month.

I decided that since we’re just past April 1 (no fooling!) that I’d check in and share how my journaling project is going. January and February were GREAT! I wrote in my journal most days and developed a look and feel I enjoyed. There was washi tape, there were different colors of ink, and I think I captured some great moments and thoughts.

And then in March the wheels fell off a bit. I still recorded things, but I wrote on fewer than half the days in the month. I’m not sure quite what happened. Work did get really busy so my days were full, but I just didn’t sit down and do it. I’m hoping to get April back on track.

March was fairly tame, but I even experimented with a bit of ink wash/water color for April!

The journal I’m using is a Notebook Therapy Tsuki ‘Kinoko’ Limited Edition Bullet Journal ($27.98). You can find my review here.

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  1. It sounds like you and Ana have a great approach to journaling, adjusting and refining your process each month based on what works best. I appreciate you sharing your progress and experiences so far. January and February seem to have been very productive for you, with your use of washi tape and colorful inks capturing some wonderful moments. March might have been a bit more challenging with fewer entries due to a busy work schedule, but it’s great to hear you’re committed to getting back on track in April. Your experimentation with ink wash and watercolor sounds exciting, and I look forward to seeing how your journal evolves. The Notebook Therapy Tsuki ‘Kinoko’ Limited Edition Bullet Journal looks fantastic—I’ll check out your review!

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