While I’m on the subject of fountain pen inks, I thought I’d seek out some reviews about the old stand-by, black ink. Here are a few reviews and comparisons I found: Parka Blogs tests out just how waterproof Noodler’s Bulletproof Black really is  Pentrace has a nice overview of several brands of black inks. Though…

Lily Kim of JetPens recently did a guest post on Uppercase magazine’s blog about finding the right pen to improve your handwriting. One point I think that wasn’t brought up in her piece was the speed at which you write and how that might effect your penmanship. Some inks feel considerably slicker which aids in…

Rickshaw Bags Mini Communter Bag

Rickshaw Bags scaled down its Commuter Messenger for the new mini Commuter. Its designed to comfortably carry a Moleskine, netbook, e-reader, iPad and other petite-proportioned electronics while maintaining all the features that made the Commmuter 2.0 the “bag of choice” for on-the-go technorati. Some of the extensive features: Stand-up design Wipe-clean waterproof liner Exclusive magnetic…