Everyone needs a calling card. If you don’t want to design your own or go through a service like Moo, How About Orange offers these sweet printable calling cards. Download the free font associated with it and launch Acrobat. Set your information and then print them out onto cardstock and cut to size. Voila! Now,…

Rdio makes your office sound fabulous

Rdio makes your office sound fabulous After several weeks of experimenting, I have to say that Rdio is the best desk accessory. Pronounced “ar-dee-oh”, this streaming service is sleek and efficient. It syncs with your iTunes and adds all the songs from your library to your collection on Rdio. It can then make recommendations based…

Rickshaw Bags Mini Communter Bag

Rickshaw Bags scaled down its Commuter Messenger for the new mini Commuter. Its designed to comfortably carry a Moleskine, netbook, e-reader, iPad and other petite-proportioned electronics while maintaining all the features that made the Commmuter 2.0 the “bag of choice” for on-the-go technorati. Some of the extensive features: Stand-up design Wipe-clean waterproof liner Exclusive magnetic…

Photographer Ari Marcopoulos designed a sleek camera bag for inCase with enough space for an SLR, a film rangefinder (a Leica, of course), a pocket camera, an iPad and the various bits a traveling photographer might need on a day of shooting or a traveller might want while on holiday. The case is a lovely neutral grey with a clever greyscale chart on the side, the only hint to the contents within. This bag is very understated while being fully functional, well-padded and roomy. The video shows the bag being packed and in action on a day of freeform photography. (via Incase | Ari Marcopoulos)