Fashionable Friday: Rainy Day

This week’s Fashionable Friday is inspired by the super-rainy week we’ve been having here in Kansas City. Portland last week was unusually sunny and hot when I wanted to experience that chilly Pacific coast weather so this is definitely my idealized rainy day kit. Any well-appointed portal desk should definitely include a good umbrella and…

Fashionable Friday: Breakfast at Tiffany’s Inspired

I don’t know why but, this week, I got “Moon River” stuck in my head and it always reminds me of the film that made it famous, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. So, that is the inspiration for this week’s Fashionable Friday. Audrey Hepburn’s portrayal of Holly Golightly is ingrained in my mind so clearly. The gorgeous…

Fashionable Friday: Bespoke & Floral

Today I was inspired by the cool fall weather that’s rolled into Kansas City the last day or so which lead me to this beautiful photo of bespoke leather boots and a lovely floral dress by Julia Davila-Lampe on Flickr. Workspace by XOXO, Krista. Kaweco Eco Leather Pen Pouch in Cognac $18.50-$21 (via Jet Pens)…

Fashionable Friday: Mirror Mirror On My Desk

Initially, I was going to do today’s Fashionable Friday around the West Elm Parsons Desk in the mirror finish but they are not making it anymore. West Elm still sells a mirror console table but its a bit shallow to be used as a desk. Instead, I found this elegant mirror-finish desk at Horchow. Its…

Fashionable Friday: Match Your Tools to Your Polish

I’ve been joking around for a couple weeks about matching my inks to my nail polish colors and I thought it would make an amusing Fashionable Friday post. All my friends are dizzy over the reddish purple sparkle of polishes like Darling Diva Ringer and Cirque Coronation so I thought I might find some coordinating…