Notebook Review: Nakabayashi Logical Prime B5 Notebooks

Notebook Review: Nakabayashi Logical Prime B5 Notebooks

Another pen show find is the Nakabayashi Logical Prime notebooks. These are softcover notebooks are stitch bound with a bookbinding tape over the stitches to reinforce. There are a variety of interior paper options (Point, Graph, 7mm Lined and 6mm Lined) and the notebooks can be found around the internet in a variety of sizes.…

Notebook Review: Curnow A5 NEW PAPER Inserts

Notebook Review: Curnow A5 NEW PAPER Inserts

One of my favorite vendors at pen shows is Curnow Bookbinding and Leatherwork. Unfortunately, they only attend two shows per year: St. Louis and San Francisco. So, if you’re lucky enough to attend either of these shows, I recommend making a beeline to their tables to stock up on traveler-style notebook inserts and handmade leather…

Inkmas Day 8: Colorverse Permanent Black

I had a lengthy discussion with Carol at Luxury Brands about good permanent black inks. As the distributor for both Platinum (known for my beloved Carbon Black ink) and Colorverse, she recommended I try Colorverse Permanent Black ($15 for a 30ml bottle) from the Colorverse Office Series. This collection of inks features those everyday staple…

Inkmas Day 7: Colorverse Chi-Town

Inkmas Day 7: Colorverse Chi-Town

Two of my favorite things: Colorverse ink and anything featuring my hometown: Chicago… how could I resist? If I were to guess what color someone might create for an ink that embodies Chicago, I am not sure I would guess a dark purple/brown with shimmer particles. I might have thought of the sky blue from…