This past November was NaKniSweMo, which I’ve discussed on the blog in past years. Basically, during November when writers are trying to pen a novel of 50K words, us crazy knitters are trying to knit a sweater of 50K stitches. This year mine is really more of a NaKniSwe-Almost since I’ve still got half a…
Showing all posts tagged NaKniSweMo
Yarn and Ink: What’s in that pink?
It is now mid-November which means two fundamental things: I will forget that I need to take pictures early in the day, meaning they’ll now be badly (or artificially lit). You’d think after 44 years on earth I’d remember that fact, but every year I repeat the mistake. November is NaKniSweMo. For a little history…
Last week on the Pen Addict podcast, Brad talked at length about NaNoWriMo. If you aren’t familiar with that term it stands for National Novel Writing Month. Each November, many many intrepid writers gather together to write a novel (or 50,000 words) between November 1 and November 30. The organization that supports it (which is…