Fountain Pen Review: Kaweco Supra Fire Blue

Fountain Pen Review: Kaweco Supra Fire Blue

The Kaweco Supra is a fascinating pen – a pen that not only transforms from a pocket-sized pen to a full sized pen, but can also be arranged to fit nearly every hand size. I received a Kaweco Supra Fireblue on loan a few weeks ago. Thank you to Appelboom for lending it to Well-Appointed…

Is that a fountain pen? Or a rollerball? Fountain Roller?

Is that a fountain pen? Or a rollerball? Fountain Roller?

by Jessica Coles This is not a review of the Traveler’s Factory Green lineup. It begins that way but don’t be fooled. There is more to this post (and the pen) than just a review of a pocket pen. The latest lineup from Traveler’s Company is a set of compact writing tools – fountain pen,…

Giveaway #3: Fontoplumo Exclusive Kaweco Coral Fountain Pen & Matching Rickshaw Sleeve

Our good friends in the Netherlands, Fontoplumo have offered a very special giveaway for our anniversary. They are giving away one Fontoplumo ExclusiveKaweco Sport Coral Guilloche fountain pen (winner can choose silver or gold trim and nib of their choice, as long as it’s still in stock) and a Rickshaw XS 3 pen sleeve cozy…