I know it sounds like a tired cliche, but pride goeth before the fall. You may have noticed that I didn’t post last week on my regularly scheduled Tuesday. Ana noticed and reminded me that even though I had just finished bragging about how reliable I was at knit night, I completely forgot to do…
Showing all posts tagged Taccia ink

Ink Lineup Review: Taccia Jeans
By Jessica Coles Jeans. Who would think to make an entire line of inks based on the color of jeans? You probably see blue jeans multiple times in a day and each pair of these pants are typically unique in color, pattern, style, and fit, but they are so common that they fade into the…

Ink Overview: Taccia Ukiyo-e Inks
By Jessica Coles Taccia seems to be on the ball lately with new ink. Recently I did an overview of their Lip color line of inks, each based on classic shades of lipstick. Today I am showing the Ukiyo-e line of ink (I am told this translates to “picture of the floating world”); a collection…

Ink Overview: Taccia Lip Color inks
By Jessica Coles Lipstick ink? What on earth does that mean? Taccia recently unveiled a new line of inks called Lip color ink, available in six colors: 01 Coral Pink, 02 Pink Beige, 03 Corinth Pink, 04 Burgundy, 05 Sunset, and 06 Rose Pale. *Photograph from Vanness Pens When I saw the lineup, I wondered…

Ink Overview: Taccia Inks
Taccia introduced its own line of inks at the San Francisco Pen Show. The full line includes 13 colors in 40ml glass bottles. The bottles looked like slightly taller versions of the SailorĀ (more like the Storia bottles but not frosted) The colors are a good range of colors (black, blue, red, orange, green) plus…